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Northern Star l Gabriel Staffing

Caregivers attract caregivers and live in a community of love.
They are energized by their caring, fulfilled, and they love life.

Gary Zukav


Our Community Based Caregivers are a steller group of unique individuals who provide outstanding patient care seamlessly. They work together as "a team" to cover each others Clients to help avoid possible interruptions in services as often as possible. They are highly qualified and possesses the skills, knowledge, and abilities to provide the best care possible to the Clients we serve. But more than anything, they have dedicated hearts to their calling in providing Homecare services.


We cannot say enough about our Facility Caregivers. Our Nurses and Nursing Assistants provide care in nursing homes, assisted living, hospice, hospitals, correctional institutions and other long-term care settings. Their patience, dependability, communication skills, compassion and empathy is unparalleled.

  • Our Employees have or receive proper training & Orientation

  • RNs and LPNs have a current license with the State of Ohio Board of Nursing

  • STNA's are currently active on the Ohio Nurse Aide Registry

  • Reference Checks are conducted on all employees

  • All employees have background checks performed and processed by the BCI&I and/or FBI





7215 Taylorsville Road, Huber Heights, OH 45424

Copyright © Gabriel Staffing Associates, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

OhioHomeCare.org l GabrielStaffing.com